Kathleen Allen Prague Proms

I have spent my adult life singing and acting, living the life of a professional singer/musician, and teaching privately and at five colleges and universities. I taught at my last school, Central State University, as a master teacher and singer, for nine years, ending as the Chair of the Department of Fine and Performing Arts. I started teaching at the college level while still in my twenties in order to make a living when I wasn’t singing. In doing so, I discovered a true interest in helping others find their vocal freedom. Finding my own vocal prowess had been hard won, and I had much to share in shaping other singers as they found their way.

As a singer, I had learned that the more versatile I was in my choice of music, the more I worked. I am now an experienced performer of opera, operetta, musical theater, concert, church, choral, chamber and recital music, having sung throughout the United States and in Spain, in Germany and the Czech Republic. I am proficient in Early Music through
21st Century avant-garde genres, and I have sung in seven languages.

I continue to develop and study for my own personal growth, giving recitals and master classes, singing concert works, as well as pursuing opera and musical theater. Since coming to the Washington DC area, I have become a repertory member of Sopranessence, a seven-woman vocal ensemble in Northern Virginia rebooting classical music, and have music directed and conducted Ruddigore with the Victorian Lyric Opera Company in Rockville, MD.

Click below to download my singing resumé.

Click below to download my church and choral resumé.



Thomas Grubb, author of Singing in French, referring to the recording of Kathleen Allen’s Shéhérazade with the Crane Symphony

“Kathleen Allen’s Ida sings beautifully…(and) is appropriately earnest as the unconventional blond Princess…”

The Montgomery Journal

“The radiant soprano Kathleen Allen was a welcome addition to the evening…”

The Madison Isthmus

“Kathleen Allen stood out vocally from the rest of the cast…especially in the Act II duet.”

The Baltimore Evening Sun